B2B Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Flowchart

B2B EDI Flowchart

Coast to Coast Order Processing

Most major retailers issue purchase orders via E.D.I. (electronic data interchange). EDI is a structured system of computer-to-computer communication (non-Internet) for the transmission of purchase orders, acknowledgement of purchase orders, transmission of bills of lading, sending invoices, etc. It is the standard vendor-client communication medium for handling wholesale orders from all major retail chain store chains.

Coast to Coast has over 25 years experience with all aspects of E.D.I. Compliance.

All correspondence regarding shipments, including invoicing, occurs through the E.D.I. flow chart pictured below.

A pdf version of this flow chart is available for download here:

b2b warehouse fulfillment pdf  Download PDF: B2B EDI flowchart

  • Generates Purchase Order(s)
  • Receives Invoices by E.D.I. Protocol
e-mail box at VANValue Added Network (V.A.N.)
E-mail Box at Value Added Network (V.A.N.)
purchase order retreivalCoast to Coast Retrieves Purchase Order(s)
  • Purchase Order Acknowledged
  • Order(s) Sorted by Type
Direct to Consumer Database Management

  • Daily Batches Merged
  • Data Exported into Order Manager System
  • Checked Against Inventory
  • Shipping Methods Computed
  • Sales Tax Computed
  • Credit Cards Processed
  • Pick/Pack List Generated
drop ship to store database managementDrop Ship to Store(s)/Distribution Center(s) Database Management

  • Daily Batches Merged
  • Data Exported into Order Manager System
  • Checked Against Inventory
  • Shipping Methods Computed
  • Pick/Pack List Generated
  • Labels/Shipping Manifest Printed
  • Orders Picked/Packed
  • Shipment(s) Sorted/Prepped
edi shipment confirmedShipment Confirmed
  • Retailer Invoiced
customer service edi flowchartCustomer Service
  • Track Shipments
  • Process Returns
  • Answer Questions
products shipped edi flowchartProducts Shipped
  • UPS
  • U.S. Postal Service
  • FedEx
  • Common Carrier
reports generated ediReports Generated
  • Sales/Invoices/Receivables
  • Sales Tax
  • Inventory
  • Back Orders
  • Customer Service
  • 110+ Standard Reports
  • Custom-Formatted Reports

Selected retailers requiring E.D.I. compliance from their vendors:

client retail customers logos